Once you purchase the marina payment card, it is your property. This payment card can be used at multiple marinas. At each Marina, you will have to activate the card by charging it with a certain amount. How much you want to charge it with depends on what you think you will use at the marina. This credit is port-bound. Any remaining credit can be used on a return visit.
Top up the payment card:
This can be done at the port office during office hours. For opening hours we refer to our website https://www.jachthavenkatwijk.nl/contact/
On the outside of the harbor office (left of the front door) is a blue charging device, where you can top up the payment card. This device can only take cash, from € 0.05 up to € 2.00.
You need the payment card for:
This page has been updated on: 29-4-2024