• Jachthaven Katwijk foto

Important information

Important information for passers-by

Katwijk marina has 2 AEDs.
In the marina you will find the AED to the left of the door of the harbor office.
At the north side of the canal you will find the AED in the green floating sanitary boat.
A first aid kit hangs in the harbor office

GP needed:
Life threatening situation?
– Call 112
– Mon to Fri from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.: Doctor summer schedule 6-2024

– In the evenings and at weekends: Call the GP ‘De Limes in Voorhout’ on 0252-240212

Important numbers

Emergency number112
Police0031900 8844
Fire brigade112
Amimal Ambulance00317 15174141
Veterinary practice003171 4012930
Doctors and Pharmacies
Doctor Service De Limes, Rijnsburgerweg 4b in Voorhout0031252 240212
GPs Smaalen, Randweg 53  2225 PJ  Katwijk003117 4076752
The Katwijk pharmacy, Princestraat 3 Katwijk003171 4012755
Dentist Van Tol, Voorstraat 80 (harbor side)  Katwijk003171 4072865
Dentist Snijder, Groen van Prinstererweg 63 (green strip) Katwijk003171 4024324
LUMC (Leiden University Medical Center), Albinusdreef 2 in Leiden003171 5269111
Diaconessenhuis Leiden, Houtlaan 55, Leiden003171 5178178
Taxi de Jong003171-4012277
Taxi Brouwer003171-3611000

Domestic port regulations:2023 HISWA Haven engelse versie

Bridges to Katwijk
If your boat is higher than 2.5 meters, an opening is required for the Sandtlaan Bridge and possibly also the Joop van der Reijden Bridge. Below you will find the passage dimensions of these bridges and opening hours. These bridges are centrally operated one after the other by the same bridge keeper: Bridges to Katwijk operating times 2024

BPR( inland shipping regulations) : article 8.08 applies, for your safety, to us in the port, as well as in the canal and park side:
Article 8.08

Usesful links:

Refueling by boat
Boat Repairs: Botenreparatie
Black water
delivery point :https://doeshaven.nl/passanten
GP post Duin- en Bollenstreek
VVV Katwijk ( Tourist information}
Bus timetable https://9292.nl/
Windguru Katwijk
Waterways info RIjkstwaterstaat
Sailing safely together

Request opening in winter, call half an hour in advance tel: 0031 6-12452764

this page has been updated on: 10-6-2024